How to Download High-Resolution PNG from Bing AI Image Creator

1. Open Bing AI Image Creator

Visit the Bing AI Image Creator website:

2. Create an Image

– Click on “Create” to create an image based on your entered text prompt.

– Be specific and descriptive in your prompt to get the best results.

3. Select Your Preferred Image

Many people download images from the download button, but they end up getting lower-quality images instead of better results.

– Several images generated by the AI will be displayed.

– Browse through the images and select the one you want to download in High-resolution PNG format.

4. Click on the “Customize” Button

– Locate the “customize” button located at the bottom right corner of the selected image.

– Click on the button to begin downloading the image.

5. Click on the “Download” Button

– Locate the “Download” button located at the top right corner of the selected image.

– Click on the button to begin downloading the image.

6. Choose “PNG” and Adjust Size (Optional)

– A dialog box will appear, allowing you to select the image format and size.

– By default, the PNG format is selected. If you prefer a different format, you can change it using the drop-down menu.

– You can also adjust the size of the image by typing a specific resolution in the “Custom Size” field.

– If you don’t need to change the format or size, simply leave the default options.

6. “Download Completed”

6. Click “Save Image”

– Once you’ve made your selections, click on the “Save Image” button.

– Choose a location on your computer where you want to save the image file.

– Click on “Save” to download and save the image in High-resolution PNG format.

7. Dashboard Overview of Designer/ Design Interface and Functionality

The image depicts the dashboard of the Designer/ website. On the left-hand side, a menu displays various options such as ‘AI tools’, ‘My media’, ‘Visuals’, ‘Text’, and ‘Brand kit’. Contrasting this, the right side offers a spacious area dedicated to crafting designs. Additionally, a toolbar positioned at the top of the page presents functionalities like ‘New design’, ‘Download’, and ‘Share’, providing users with essential tools and actions within the design interface.


How do I access the Bing AI Image Creator for PNG downloads? 

To access the Bing AI Image Creator, visit the Bing website, navigate to the AI Image Creator tool, and follow the instructions for downloading PNGs.

What are the recommended steps to ensure high-resolution PNG downloads? 

For high-resolution PNG downloads, select the ‘High Quality’ option within the Bing AI Image Creator and ensure the source images are of good quality.

Are there specific image formats supported for conversion to high-res PNGs? 

The Bing AI Image Creator supports various image formats like JPEG and PDF for conversion to high-resolution PNGs.

Is there a limit to the number of high-resolution PNGs I can download?

There’s no specified limit for downloading high-resolution PNGs from the Bing AI Image Creator.


The text efficiently guides users through using Bing’s AI Image Creator for high-resolution PNG downloads, outlining steps from creation to customization and addressing related FAQs. It also provides insights into the Designer/ dashboard layout, enriching user understanding of the interface functionalities.

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